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Whatsapp API for personal use

Whatsapp API for personal use, WhatsApp with (Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Line, and Telegram) is one of the largest messaging services where automated access via (WhatsApp API) will be a prerequisite for creating chatbots, support systems, or other services that live on top of the WhatsApp ecosystem.

Whatsapp API for personal use

How to access the WhatsApp API

There is currently no official way to get full programmatic access to the WhatsApp ecosystem, and there are some libraries available that use an unofficial API to send and receive messages, but this is limited to just one number, and all of these libraries are basically hacks trying to act As a standard WhatsApp client you see on (Android or iOS with WhatsApp Web).

This is a great way to do some testing, but for a real chatbot or a sophisticated support system especially in an enterprise context, it's not the right choice, and on top of that, WhatsApp seems to be intolerant of these libraries and regularly forces developers to stop their projects, however, there is one official WhatsApp demo (Click to Chat API).

What is WhatsApp Click to Chat API?

WhatsApp provides a very simple API (Click to Chat) which is basically just a link containing a target number and a pre-populated text, and as soon as the user clicks on that link, it opens the WhatsApp client, whether it is on Android, iOS or web devices. With a new message to the pre-populated number with pre-populated text, This is a great way to add a speed dial option for example if you want to sell your car and the link should contain the phone number in the international format and encrypted text (URL).

Will there be an official WhatsApp API?

In 2018, WhatsApp announced the WhatsApp Business application that allows small businesses to contact their customers, but this is not an API but at least a way to communicate officially as a brand instead of a regular user any phone number where it comes with features such as automatic answers if not Unavailable, quick replies, or welcome messages.

What is WhatsApp Business API?

(WhatsApp Business API) is designed for large companies to establish their commercial presence on the WhatsApp application, as it is just an application programming interface and there is no front end available and there is no application, and the idea is that companies take an endpoint (WhatsApp API) and integrate it into their business programs, as The WhatsApp API has three primary purposes, to create a branded business presence on WhatsApp, to respond to customer concerns manually within 24 hours, and to send automated notification messages.

WhatsApp Business Profile via WhatsApp API

The WhatsApp Business profile allows businesses to create a presence on WhatsApp using the WhatsApp Business API, and unlike other messaging apps, the profile will not be searchable in the WhatsApp app itself, so it is up to the business to enhance their presence.

A (WhatsApp Business) profile configures the cover photo, description, address, email, website, and working hours for your (WhatsApp Business) account, and one of the exclusive features of (WhatsApp Business API) accounts is that it can be confirmed or verified by the WhatsApp application where the (WhatsApp Business) account indicates ) Approved by WhatsApp indicates that WhatsApp has verified your trademark.

How does WhatsApp Business API work?

The WhatsApp Business API provides an endpoint (API) where businesses can connect to in-house software solutions through the (WhatsApp API) or messaging application (CRM) integration. WhatsApp also allows sending two types of messages via the API, session messages and template messages.

Session messages on WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp session messages are an encrypted limitation that prevents companies from messaging customers after 24 hours. WhatsApp created this limitation to ensure that WhatsApp becomes the number one platform for customer service. For example, imagine that you need support where you can contact a company in several ways, but you will send the message wherever it is They respond faster, and the 24-hour rule encourages companies to respond quickly but also prevents spam from being sent after 24 hours.