Specialization in Archeology and Tourism, It is a specialization concerned with studying everything related to archeology, and it also aims to know theoretical knowledge, which revolves around time periods from prehistoric times to the Islamic era and also aims to train students in practice in archaeological sites on methods of documentation, which qualifies them to play a leading role in detecting traces.
Fields of work for the specialization of antiquities and tourism:
- Work for ministries and government institutions.
- Work in museums.
- Work in antiquities restoration companies.
- Work for some drilling and excavation companies in administrative or coordination fields.
- Work with civil society organizations.
- A tour guide.
Master's degree fields available for the specialization in Archeology and Tourism:
- Tourism management.
- archeology.
- Preservation of antiquities.
- Civilizations traces.
- Paleontology and fossils.
- Environmental resource management.
- anthropologist.
- Project management.
- Marketing.
- Public relations.
- Philosophy.
- Media and the press.
- Parks and gardens management.
- Middle Eastern Studies.
- Public Administration.
- Hotel management.
- Sociology.
- Human rights and development.
- Diplomatic studies.
- geography.
- Political Science.
- social work.
- Islamic studies.
- Library and information science.
What are the subjects of archeology?
- Anthropology and the natural sciences.
- Basic principles of archaeological semantics.
- The study of climate and its impact on ancient civilizations.
- Study prehistoric eras and their civilizations.
- Study the Stone Age and everything in it.
- Study of modern archeology and its theories and methods.
- Study the intellectual and theoretical approaches of archaeologists.
Qualities of a specialist in archeology and tourism:
- A passion for the past and a desire to discover it.
- adventure love.
- Love of nature and the desire to know it.
- Logical thinking and analytical abilities.
- Proficiency in more than one language, especially English.
- Love to study and try to prove myself and discover more effects.
- Desire to apply all new methods and modern technologies.
Branches and departments of archeology
- Forensic Archeology and Orthopedics.
- Environmental Archeology Sciences.
- The science of plant remains.
- Ethnoarchaeology.
- Marine and coastal archeology.
Faculty of Tourism majors
- archeology.
- Tourism management.
- Tourism Guiding.
- Hotel management.
- Hotel and restaurants.
- Cultural materials management.
- Heritage resource management.
- Preservation of antiquities.
The most important universities that allow the study of archeology and tourism
- Yarmouk University
- Pace University in New York.
- The University of Brighton in the UK.
- Harvard University.
- Cambridge University.
- Qatar University.
- United Arab Emirates University.